Dear Child (2023) is an upcoming Thriller and drama series. Directed by Isabel Kleefeld, and Julian Pörksen and written by Romy Hausmann Isabel Kleefeld, and Julian Pörksen is a thriller and drama series. Kim Riedle, Naila Schuberth, and Sammy Schrein played the main characters in this series.
Apart from this, Julika Jenkins, Justus von Dohnányi, Haley Louise Jones, Hans Löw, Sammy Schrein, Eskindir Tesfay, Florian Claudius Steffens, and Nagmeh Alaei will be seen in supporting roles in Squared Love Everlasting (2023).
In this article, the cast and crew of the Dear Child (2023) TV series’ real names, photos, biographies, facts, and more are revealed.
Basic Information
Movie Name | Dear Child |
Country of origin | Germany |
Genre | Thrillers and drama |
Episode | 6 Episode |
Length | 30-45 Minutes |
Original Language | English, German |
Director | Isabel Kleefeld Julian Pörksen |
Writer | Romy Hausmann Isabel Kleefeld Julian Pörksen |
Producer | Friederich Oetker Tom Spiess |
cast | Kim Riedle, Naila Schuberth, and Sammy Schrein |
Release Date | September 7, 2023 |
Streaming On | Netflix |
Production Company | Constantin Television |
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Dear Child 2023 TV Series Review
A mysterious woman’s investigation of her elusive prison escape leads to the dark truth behind an unsolved disappearance 13 years ago.
Lena (Kim Riddle), who lost contact with her parents 13 years ago, resides in a very safe home with her two kids, Hannah (Nella Schubarth) and Jonathan (Sammy Shriner), in two different locations. When he tries to flee, his car crashes and he and Hannah are both taken to the hospital, where Hannah is later reunited with her parents.
Dear Child begins where tradition leaves off with liberty, but the entire scope of this nightmare is only realized the night Lena and her parents check into the hospital. For nearly 13 years, they had been looking for their missing daughter.
Kim Riddle is the main character in The Dyer Institute, and a number of other well-known actors play various supporting roles. The show is based on the critically acclaimed book of the same name by Romy Haussmann
Dear Child 2023 TV Release Date
Dear Child 2023 TV Series The series will be released in the United States on Netflix on September 7. If you also like to watch thrillers and drama series, then this series is for you.
Dear Child 2023 TV Series Age rating
You can watch the Dear Child 2023 TV Series with your family. However, in the United States and Canada regions, it has been given an age rating of TV-14 in the United States, 13 in Poland, and NC16 in Singapore.
Dear Child 2023 TV Series Cast
(1) Kim Riedle
Julika Jenkins was born on 20 October 1971 in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She is an actress, known for Vitus (2006), Dark (2017), and Tatort (1970).
(2) Naila Schuberth
Naila Schuberth was born on 20 October 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. She is a famous child actress. Who has been seen in many famous movies or series. She has become famous at a young age.
Read More – Actress Naila Schuberth Biography, Height, Age, NetWorth, Boyfriend, Family, Facts and More (2023)
(3) Sammy Schrein
Sammy Schrein was born on 17 April 2009 in Berlin, Germany. His surname is Sammy, and he is a German child actor. Who has emerged in the world of acting at present.
Read More – Actor Sammy Schrein Biography, Height, Age, NetWorth, Girlfriend, Family, Facts and More (2023)
(4) Julika Jenkins
Julika Jenkins (born 20 October 1971) is a German actress. She lives in Berlin with her partner, actor Arnd Klawitter. She has appeared in stage, television, and film productions in Switzerland and Germany. She is best known for her role as Karin Beck in the German Netflix original series Dear Child.
(5) Justus von Dohnányi
Justus von Dohnányi (born 2 December 1960) is a German actor, best known for portraying Wilhelm Burgdorf in the 2004 film Der Untergang.
(6) Haley Louise Jones
Haley Louise Jones was born on February 23, 1989 in Johannesburg, South Africa. She is an actress, known for Ivie wie Ivie (2021), Paradise (2023), and Artificial Twins.
(7) Hans Löw
Hans Löw is known for the Dear Child Tv series (2023).
(8) Eskindir Tesfay
(9) Florian Claudius Steffens
(10) Nagmeh Alaei
Frequently Asked Questions about Dear Child 2023 TV Series
Where to watch the Dear Child 2023 TV Series?
Dear Child 2023 TV Series Is Released on Netflix on September 6, 2023, You Can Watch This Series.
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